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Fundraising for Hospice West Auckland

We are thrilled and delighted that you’d like to help us to raise money. You can donate your time, ideas and enthusiasm to help us raise money so that we can continue providing our services at no cost to those in West Auckland facing end of life, and support for their whānau.

Take a look at some ways to get started

Online Fundraising
Online fundraising makes it easy for friends, family and colleagues to sponsor your efforts. It only takes minutes to set up a personalised fundraising page that you can link to our organisation.

Give a Little and Fundraising Online are two great kiwi online fundraising platforms that you can use to connect with sponsors for your fundraising events.

Take a look at our organisation pages on both sites:
Hospice West Auckland on Give a Little / Hospice West Auckland on Fundraising Online

Fundraise at School
It’s great giving kids and young people the experience of fundraising for a worthy cause. Not only to teach them the joy of giving back, but to get together and do something positive for their local community. Supporting Hospice West Auckland by gifting a portion of funds raised at your school activities is a great way to show your school’s support for a worthy local cause. Get some great ideas for what you could do below…

Fundraising Ideas

  • Academic Competitions – Get sponsored for Spellathons, Mathathons, Creative writing, Poetry or Speech recitals etc.
  • Special School Days – Gold coin donation for themed days such as Mufti Days, Pajama Days, Wheels Days, Pet Days, Galas etc.
  • Special Events – Ticketed entry to a School Production, Theatre Plays, Talent Shows, Fashion Shows, Art Exhibitions, Quiz Nights or Variety Shows etc.
  • General Fundraising – Great for when your school has parents and families in attendance (like special assemblies or parent / teacher interviews) eg. Raffles, Cakes Stalls, Sausage Sizzles, Car Washes etc.
  • Sport Events – Enter marathons and all sorts of races in support of Hospice West Auckland – see Eventlist for upcoming events in your area

More ideas – For hundreds more fun ways to help raise funds visit Fundraising Ideas

Help out at our Fundraising Events
We’ve always got some thing in the wings, so take a look at our event listings for current and upcoming events that you can get involved in.
We’d love your support, whether by helping out on the day, sponsoring friends, donating goods or even by spreading the word.